UNIFESP port e inglês 2011 – Questão 32
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde,
a) há países que não oferecem programas rotineiros de vacinação.
b) é necessário conscientizar os pais de que a vacinação pode salvar vidas.
c) 20% das crianças no mundo não são vacinadas.
d) as pessoas hesitam em vacinar seus filhos principalmente em países pobres.
e) cerca de 1,5 milhão de crianças são salvas devido à vacinação.FGV 2020 – Questão 31
With respect to the feral cats of Australia, which of the following does the article least support?
...UERJ 2006 – Questão 19
Reflexive pronouns have two distinct uses: basic and emphatic. The reflexive pronoun used emphatically is found in:
a) “the oppressed resign themselves to their doom.” (ref.1)
b) “They tacitly adjust themselves to oppression,” (ref.2)
c) “The enforcement of the law itself” (ref.5)
d) “our end is a community at peace with itself.” (ref.8)UERJ 2005 – Questão 17
Writers always have an intention when expressing their feelings and ideas in writing.
The author’s intention in this text is that of:
a) sharing traveling experience with a specific public.
b) advising photographers on how to restrain emotions.
c) suggesting methods for capturing the perfect moment.
d) convincing readers of the importance of photojournalism.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 61
Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) James has arrived at home yet
b) James has arrive at home yet
c) James have arrived at home yet
d) James hasn´t arrived at home yet.
e) James have arrive at home yet.