UNIFESP port e inglês 2007 – Questão 33
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 64
The prepositions that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, IV, V and VI, in the text, are:
a) on, at, through, by, to and for.
b) by, for, of, for, to and throughout.
c) at, from, by, over, on and about.
d) in, to, on, in, to and during.
e) for, in, with, at, into and acrossUNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 47
Na frase do primeiro parágrafo “for most people who oppose such research ...”, “such research” refere-se
a) à clonagem reprodutiva.
b) às pesquisas com células-tronco.
c) à clonagem terapêutica.
d) à pesquisa sobre legislação a ser adotada.
e) ao uso de SCNT na clonagem de células-tronco.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 82
Qual frase está correta?a) I think I have meet him once before.b) There have been many earthquakes in California.c) People has traveled to the Moon.d) People hasn´t traveled to Mars.e) Nobody has ever climb that mountain.FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 77
According to the text, IPEA forecasts that
a) by 2016 the poverty rate might come to only four percent in Brazil.
b) there should be a 33.6% reduction in poverty rate due to Lula’s poverty reduction program.
c) the present poverty reduction plan targets five states in the northern region by 2014.
d) there might be further poverty reduction initiatives so that it will be eliminated in four years.
e) seven states in Brazil will wipe out poverty by 2014.UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 39
Most sleep experts
a) are still uncertain about the findings of the research.
b) believe that too much sleep causes early death.
c) discovered that some illnesses are correlated to fatigue.
d) agree that there was a 12% death rate among those who don’t sleep well.
e) found that there was a steep increase of sleeplessness between 1982 and 1988.