UNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 39
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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Com relação à organização textual, é INCORRETO afirmar que
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In the text, the title and subtitle clearly reflect the author’s position regarding audio books. The idea conveyed by the title and subtitle is best expressed in the following statement:
a) Their use is considered as a beneficial practice.
b) Their efficiency is confirmed in sports activities.
c) Their quality is determined by the narrator’s voice.
d) Their advantage is related to mental concentration. FGV Economia 2009 – Questão 80
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo do texto – It remains hard to define, and attempts to do so often seem arbitrary – a expressão "to do so":
a) refere-se a "middle class in Brazil".
b) refere-se a "seem arbitrary".
c) define "middle class".
d) refere-se a "middle class in western Europe".
e) refere-se a "hard to define".UNIFESP port e inglês 2011 – Questão 41
According to the text,
a) chimpanzees have the same laughing pattern as humans.
b) one responds to laughing if people around are laughing too.
c) laughter is prompted mostly by a joke or a trick.
d) both Provine and Panksepp agree that laughter is a social response.
e) children laugh as soon as they start learning a language.UNIFESP s/ port e inglês 2008 – Questão 75
“Proclamo aquilo que toda a Nação reconhece: está caduca a estrutura rural brasileira. A reforma agrária já não é, assim, tema de discurso, mas objeto de ação imediata: ação legislativa e ação executiva ...”