UNICAMP 2020 – Questão 4

Linguagens / Inglês
When 24-year-old fashion blogger Scarlett Dixonposted a picture of herself having breakfast, the internetturned nasty. “The best of days start with a smile andpositive thoughts. And pancakes. And strawberries”,Dixon wrote on her Instagram feed. The post wasreposted on Twitter. “Instagram is a ridiculous lie factorymade to make us all feel inadequate”, wrote Nathan fromCardiff. His post, which has garnered more than 111,000likes (22 times as many as Dixon’s original) and almost25,000 retweets, prompted a wave of criticism, with comments going like “Fakelife!”.
Instagram looks like the friendliest social network imaginable. But, for a growing number of users – and mental health experts – the very positivity of Instagram is precisely the problem. The site encourages its users topresent an upbeat, attractive image that others may find atbest misleading and at worse harmful. Instagram makesyou worry that everyone is perfect – except you.
(Adaptado dehttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/sep/17. Acessado em19/04/2019).

O texto anterior apresenta uma crítica
a) a Scarlett Dixon, por propagar uma auto imagem excessivamente positiva e irreal.
b) ao Instagram, por propiciar postagens que veiculam uma autoimagem irreal das pessoas.
c) ao post de Scarlett Dixon, por gerar uma onda de comentários negativos em outras mídias sociais.
d) à exposição excessiva da vida íntima das pessoas no Instagram e em outras mídias sociais.
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário

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