UNICAMP 2016 – Questão 88

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
If apes go extinct, so could entire forests
Bonobos eat a lot of fruit, and fruit contains seeds. Those seeds travel through a bonobo’s digestive system while bonobo itself travels around the forest. A few hours later, the seeds end up being deposited far from where the fruits were plucked. And that is where the new trees come from.
According to a paper recently published, if the bonobos disappeared, the plants would also likely go extinct, for many trees and plants species in Congo rely almost exclusively on bonobos for seed dispersal.
The bonobo has two major functions here. First of all, many seeds will not germinate well unless they have been “handled” by another species. Stomach acids and intestinal processes make the seed more able to absorb water and later sprout.
Secondly, many seeds will not succeed if they remain too close to their parental trees. The seeds that fell to the ground near their parents did not survive because they were choked off by the nearby plants. The bonobos eat about 3,5 hours every day and travel a mean of 1.2 kilometers from meal sites before defecating.
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/extinction-count down/if-apes-go-extinct-so-could-entire-forests/ (adaptado)
Qual é a explicação para o título?
a) Os bonobos se alimentam de plantas e suas fezes ajudam a adubar florestas. Como andam grandes distâncias, espalham esse adubo pela floresta.
b) Os bonobos vivem em árvores e suas fezes, que contêm fungicidas naturais, protegem as árvores dos fungos. Como andam grandes distâncias, podem proteger florestas inteiras.
c) Os bonobos se alimentam de frutas com sementes. Seu sistema digestivo prepara as sementes para a germinação. Como andam grandes distâncias, suas fezes ajudam a espalhar as sementes pela floresta.
d) Os bonobos vivem em árvores e se alimentam de folhas, que se transformam em fungicidas naturais ao serem digeridas. Quando liberados pelas fezes, esses fungicidas protegem as florestas.

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