UNESP 2020 – Questão 30

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Leia o texto sobre uma exposição no museu Tate Modern, em Londres, para responder:
(Hélio Oiticica. Tropicália, Penetrables PN2“Purity is a myth” and PN3 “Imagetical”, 1966-1967.)
Tropicália is used to describe the explosion of cultural creativity in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in 1968 as Brazil’s military regime tightened its grip on power.
Many of the artists, writers and musicians associated with Tropicália came of age during the 1950s in a time of intense optimism when the cultural world had beene ncouraged to play a central role in the creation of ademocratic, socially just and modern Brazil. Nevertheless, a military coup in 1964 had brought topower a right-wing regime at odds with the concerns ofleft-wing artists. Tropicália became a way of exposing the contradictions of modernisation under such anauthoritarian rule.
The word Tropicália comes from an installation by the artist Hélio Oiticica, who created environments that were designed to encourage the viewer’s emotional and intellectual participation. Oiticica called them“penetrables” because people were originally encouragedto enter them. They mimic the improvised, colourfuldwellings in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas, or shanty towns.The lush plants and sand help to convey a sense of thetropical character of the city. When Oiticica exhibited the work, he also included live parrots.
From its beginning, Tropicália was seen as a rearticulation of Anthropophagia (“cannibalism”), anartistic ideology promoted by Oswald de Andrade.
(www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.)
De acordo com o terceiro parágrafo, a obra Tropicália, de Hélio Oiticica,
a) fez com que os intelectuais da época ficassem emocionados.
b) referia-se à penetração da favela na cidade.
c) estimulava o público a adentrar a instalação.
d) pretendia mostrar como seriam as favelas urbanizadas.
e) propunha um debate ecológico ao usar plantas e pássaros reais.
Esta questão recebeu 3 comentários

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