UNESP 2019 – Questão 19

Linguagens / Inglês
Entre 11 de fevereiro e 03 de junho de 2018, o Museu de Arte Moderna de Nova Iorque (MoMA) abrigou a primeira exposição nos Estados Unidos dedicada à pintora brasileira Tarsila do Amaral. Leia a apresentação de uma das pinturas expostas para responder à questão.
The painting Sleep (1928) is a dreamlike representation of tropical landscape, with this major motif of her repetitive figure that disappears in the background.
This painting is an example of Tarsila’s venture into surrealism. Elements such as repetition, random association, and dreamlike figures are typical of surrealism that we can see as main elements of this composition. She was never a truly surrealist painter, but she was totally aware of surrealism’s legacy.
(www.moma.org. Adaptado.)
A apresentação refere-se à pintura:





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