UNESP 2017 – Questão 23
Linguagens / Inglês / Pronouns
Esta questão recebeu 2 comentários
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
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“É proibido proibir”
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 70
Why did the man return to the convenience after doing his good action? What did he receive there?
a) To get more gas and to receive a prize.
b) To meet the young man who would give him back the money.
c) Because his card wasn´t working and then he received a thanking note from the young guy.
d) Because his gas was off, he received some more free.
e) He returned there to buy some gums and received some money from the young man.UNESP (julho) 2007 – Questão 34
Na figura, as manchas cinzas representam regiões da África que caracterizam certa homogeneidade sócio-espacial.
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I have a large measure of confidence that future archeologists and historians will conclude that innovations such as a code-speak called “Instant Messaging”, or a music box called “iPod” or a makebelieve room called “MySpace” inexorably set us on a path of alienation and individualism.
The underlined segment has the function of:
a) justifying
b) illustrating
c) emphasizing
d) recapitulatingBase dudow 2000 – Questão 6
(FIEO-SP) I’m happy, ____________?
a) aren’t you
b) am I
c) are you
d) aren’t I
e) am not I