UNESP 2011 – Questão 29

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / Past verb forms with present or future meaning
Status of same-sex marriage
South America
The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (a federal district and capital city of the republic) allows same-sex civil unions. The province of Rio Negro allows same-sex civil unions, too. Legislation to enact same-sex marriage across all of Argentina was approved on July 15, 2010.
A law that would allow same-sex civil unions throughout the nation has been debated. Until the end of the first semester of 2010 the Supremo Tribunal Federal had not decided about it.
The Colombian Constitutional Court ruled in February 2007 that same-sex couples are entitled to the same inheritance rights as heterosexuals in common-law marriages. This ruling made Colombia the first South American nation to legally recognize gay couples. Furthermore, in January 2009, the Court ruled that samesex couples must be extended all of the rights offered to cohabitating heterosexual couples.
The Ecuadorian new constitution has made Ecuador stand out in the region. Ecuador has become the first country in South America where same sex civil union couples are legally recognized as a family and share the same rights of married heterosexual couples. 
Uruguay became the first country in South America to allow civil unions (for both opposite-sex and samesexcouples) in a national platform on January 1, 2008. Children can be adopted by same-sex couples since 2009.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/. Adaptado.)
Assinale a alternativa na qual todas as palavras são formas verbais relativas ao passado.
a) Adopted, become, decided, recognized, ruled.
b) Adopted, allow, become, recognized, ruled.
c) Approved, became, been, decided, ruled.
d) Allow, approved, became, decided, may.
e) Can, debated, entitled, made, offered.
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