UNESP 2008 – Questão 82
Linguagens / Inglês / Vocabulary / Idiomatic Expressions
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UERJ 2012 – Questão 20
According to the text, the use of the expression "clean coal" might infuriate ecologists. This idea is explicit in:
a) these euphemisms are "swindles" and "perversions".
b) The term just doesn’t seem sincere.
c) It’s a red rag to any green.
d) A clearer term would be less provocative.UNESP 2015 – Questão 75
A fotografia mostra um avião bombardeiro norte-americano B52 despejando bombas sobre determinada cidade no Vietnã do Norte, em dezembro de 1972.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
If I …………………… soccer I …………………. to go to the Club with all you.
a) Played - would like
b) Playing - like
c) Play – liked
d) Would play – liked
e) Played – like. Base dudow 2000 – Questão 16
What did you see in the room two hours ago?
a) I have seen many terrible things
b) Dude, I saw a terrible thing
c) I has seen a terrible thing.
d) I seed a terrible thing, man
e) I have saw many terrible things, pal.UNESP 2008 – Questão 81
Indique a alternativa que completa a sentença:
The lady ______ that she ______ the PIN number on the number of button presses required to access her account balance.
a) wrote … has modeled
b) writes … would be modeling
c) was writing … modeled
d) wrote … has been modeling
e) wrote … had modeled