UNESP 2005 – Questão 82

Linguagens / Inglês / Modal auxiliary verbs / Should
 Texto 2: Adolescent Depression: Helping depressed teens
It’s not unusual for young people to experience “the blues” or feel “down in the dumps” occasionally. Adolescence is always an unsetting time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life.
Unrealistic academic, social, or family expectations can create a strong sense of rejections and can lead to deep disappointment. When things go wrong at schools or at home, teens often overreact. Many young people feel that life is not fair or that things “never go their way.” They feel “stressed out” and confused. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends and society. Today’s teens see more of what life has to offer – both good and bad – on television, at school, in magazines and on the Internet. They are also forced to learn about the threat of AIDS, even if they are nor sexually active or using drugs.
Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When teens’ moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to-day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention – adolescent depression. Parents or caregivers must take action.
Depressions can be difficult to diagnose in teens because adults may expect teens to act moody. Also, adolescents do not always understand or express their feelings very well. They may not be aware of the symptoms of depression and may not seek help. 
(Extraído de www.nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/24.cfm)
Indique a sentença que expressa um conselho.
a) When depressed, teens always ask for adult guidance.
b) Teens see more of what life has to offer and then they become depressed.
c) Adolescents who never make new friends become depressed.
d) Adolescents don’t try to make new friends when they feel depressed.
e) When teens become depressed, they should try to ask an adult for help.
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