UNESP 2005 – Questão 76

Linguagens / Inglês / Nouns / Genitive (Possessive) Case
Teen depression
Depression is defined as an illness when the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with a child or adolescent’s ability to function.
Though the term “depression” can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a mental health illness. Depressive illness in children and teens is defined when the feelings of depression persist and interfere with a child or adolescent’s ability to function.
Depression is common in teens and younger children. About 5 percent of children and adolescents in the general population suffer from depression at any given point in time. Children under stress, who experience loss, or who have attentional, learning, conduct or anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for depression. Teenager girls are at especially high risk, as are minority youth. Depressed youth often have problems at home. In many cases, the parents are depressed, as depression tends to run in families. Over the past 50 years, depression rises, so does the teen suicide rate.
It is important to remember that the behavior of depressed children and teenagers may differ from the behavior of depressed adults. The characteristics vary, with most children and teens having additional psychiatric disorders, such as behavior disorders or substance abuse problems.
Mental health professionals advise parents to be aware of signs of depression in their children. Some of these signs may be: frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying; hopelessness; decreased interest in activities or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities; persistent boredom; low energy; social isolation; poor communication; poor concentration; extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, and increased irritability, anger, or hostility; among others.
Extraído de: www.focusas.com/Depression.html
Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado da expressão sublinhada na sentença: It is important to remember that the behavior of depressed children may change.
a) the depressed children’s behavior
b) the behavior’s depressed children
c) the behavior of the depressed children’s
d) the children’s depressed behavior
e) the depressed behavior’s children
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