UNESP (julho) 2012 – Questão 26

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Locate parts of a text that sustain an answer or a position
Tears dry on their own
All I can ever be to you,
Is a darkness that we knew
And this regret I got accustomed to
Once it was so right
When we were at our high,
Waiting fo r you in the hotel at night
I  knew I hadn’t met my match
But every moment we could snatch
I  don’t know why I got so attached
I t’s my responsibility,
And you don’t owe nothing to me
But to walk away I have no capacity
He walks away
The sun goes down,
He takes the day but I ’m grown
And in your way
In this blue shade
My tears dry on their own.
I  don’t understand
Why do I  stress a man,
When there’s so many bigger things at hand
We could have never had it all
We had to hit a wall
So this is inevitable withdrawal
Even if I  stopped wanting you,
A perspective pushes through
I ’ll be some next man’s other woman soon
I  wish I could say no regrets
And no emotional debts
’Cause as we kissed goodbye the sun sets
So we are history
The shadow covers me
The sky above a blaze
That only lovers see
(http://letras.terra.com.br. Adaptado.)
Qual das seguintes expressões indica que um relacionamento amoroso foi bom?
a) In this blue shade.
b) [...] we were at our high.
c) [...] I  can ever be to you.
d) [...] I got so attached.
e) We had to hit a wall.
Esta questão recebeu 5 comentários

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