UNESP (julho) 2009 – Questão 84

Linguagens / Inglês / Degrees of comparison / Comparison using comparative adjectives and adverbs
 Ecological Intelligence
Bryan Walsh
When it comes to going green, intention can be easier than action. Case in point: you decide to buy a T shirt made from 100% organic cotton, because everyone knows that organic is better for Earth. And in some ways it is; in conventional cotton-farming, pesticides strip the soil of life. But that green label doesn´t tell the whole story – like the fact that even organic cotton requires more than 2,640 gal. (10,000 L) of water to grow enough fiber for one T shirt. Or the possibility that the T shirt may have been dyed using harsh industrial chemicals, which can pollute local groundwater. If you knew all that, would you possibly consider the T shirt green? Would you still buy it?
Scanning the supermarket aisles, we lack the data to understand the full impact of what we choose – and probably couldn´t make sense of the information even if we had it.
But what if we could seamlessly calculate the full lifetime effect of our actions on the earth and on our bodies? Not just carbon footprints but social and biological footprints as well? What if we could think ecologically? That´s what psychologist Daniel Goleman describes in his forthcoming book, Ecological Intelligence. Using a young science called industrial ecology, businesses and green activists alike are beginning to compile the environmental and biological impact of our every decision – and delivering that information to consumers in a user-friendly way. That´s thinking ecologically – understanding the global environmental consequences of our local choices.
Time, March 12, 2009
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna da frase.
Action can be ______ than intention.
a) as difficult
b) as easier
c) so difficult
d) most difficult
e) more difficult
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