UNESP (julho) 2009 – Questão 82
Linguagens / Inglês / Pronouns / Kinds of Pronouns
Esta questão recebeu 4 comentários
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ENEM 2ºAplicação - Linguagens e Humanas 2017 – Questão 2
If You’re Out There
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 33
Choose the right alternative to complete the spaces.
...UNESP (julho) 2011 – Questão 49
Observe o planisfério.
(Regina Vasconcellos; Ailton P. A. Filho. Atlas geográfico ilustrado e comentado, 1999. Adaptado.)
As coordenadas geográficas (latitudes e longitudes) dos pontos 1 e 2, indicados no planisfério, são, respectivamente,
a) 30° L e 0°; 0° e 40° O.
b) 30° N e 0°; 0° e 60° O.
c) 0° e 30° N; 60° S e 0°.
d) 30° N e 30° O; 60° S e 60° O.
e) 30° S e 30° O; 60° N e 60° L.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 1
My friends.......................... in Europe at this moment.
a) Is traveling to
b) Are living
c) Are watching
d) Is visiting
e) Are changing.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 77
Leia a tirinha e responda:
Observando a tira, é CORRETO afirmar sobre as personagens:
a) Garfield is not worried about the man’s wound (ferimento), but about his own food.
b) Garfield is grateful to the man for the big sacrifice he has made for him.
c) The man is angry at Garfield because he doesn’t like his food.
d) Garfield feels sorry about the cut in the man’s finger.
e) Garfield is worried about the man’s wound.