UNESP (julho) 2008 – Questão 78
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 49
The driver:
a) Checked all the items in the box.
b) Dumped the contents in his car and drove off.
c) Emptied the box and drove away with it.
d) Didn't want to pay for the “junk” in the box.
e) Was contented to take all the “junk” for free.UNIFESP port e inglês 2006 – Questão 40
Some activists say that
a) the Brazilian government has been too critical about foreign aid.
b) the Brazilian government has negotiated with laboratories to avoid breaking the patent.
c) the discount negotiated would ensure that drugs would be available to all.
d) Brazil will break the patents anyway to provide free drugs to all.
e) the Brazilian minister of health wants to confront major pharmaceutical companies about drug costsUNESP (julho) 2008 – Questão 28
Observe a figura, que representa algumas das prioridades da gestão integrada dos resíduos sólidos.
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 25
We had never had __________trouble with our neighbors.
a) not
b) some
c) none
d) no
e) anyFGV Economia 2011 – Questão 81
According to the text, Brazil’s antagonists when it was compared to a skinny boy were
a) the new games played by the big boys.
b) global financial crisis.
c) the noughties credit boom.
d) financial markets of developed economies.
e) macroeconomic stabilization policies.