UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 77

Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
YesICAN Can Use Your Help
To achieve the goal of our mission of “Working world-wide to break the cycle of child abuse”, we will require the on-going commitment from many levels of society.
How can you help?
• We are a private, non-profit organization. Any donations to assist us in our work will be gratefully accepted.
• Submissions by professionals to our expert forum on the Internet. For more information regarding the criteria for submissions, please check out our submissions section of our web-site.
• Submissions of survivors of family violence to our peer forum on the Internet. For more information regarding the criteria for submissions please check out our submissions section of our web-site.
• Increase referral capability. Agencies, programs, and private practitioners who provide services in the field of family violence to become a part of our network of resources.
• Professional networking capacity. We are in this fight together. Sharing our ideas, goals and any other information enables us all to work more productively on the issue.
A sentença Any donations to assist us in our work will be gratefully accepted, escrita na voz ativa, fica
a) We assist and accept gratefully any donations in our work.
b) Donations accepted will assist our work.
c) Gratefully accepted donations will work by our assistance.
d) We will gratefully accept any donations to assist us in our work.
e) We will assist the donations gratefully and our work will accept us.
Esta questão recebeu 8 comentários

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