UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 77
Linguagens / Inglês / Active and passive voice / Passive structures
Esta questão recebeu 8 comentários
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If You Can’t Master English, Try Globish
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My powers to regenerate might be top secret but my ability to re-energize is simple. Milk has protein to help build muscle and a unique mix of nutrients to help you refuel. So, eat right, train hard and drink low fat milk. That’s just common mutant...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 47
Check the correct answer: She ……………………. her dress when her mother comes home tonight.
a) will chose
b) will choose
c) will chosen
d) chooses
e) choseUNESP 2016 – Questão 21
Examine o cartum.
The cartoon means that:
a) carrots are more likely to be attacked by insects.
b) vegetable consumers are unaware of pesticide dangers.
c) wild animals may be poisoned by agricultural practices.
d) pesticides should be lavishly applied.
e) vegetables have to be carefully washed to remove dirt.ENEM 2ª Aplicação Espanhol 2017 – Questão 4
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO — José Rodriguez camina junto a su nieto frente al altar gigante con ofrendas dei Día de los Muertos en el Zócalo de la capital mexicana, una tradición prehispánica que ocurre el 1 y 2 de noviembre de cada ano. "Vengo con mi...