UNESP (julho) 2006 – Questão 75

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
YesICAN Can Use Your Help
To achieve the goal of our mission of “Working world-wide to break the cycle of child abuse”, we will require the on-going commitment from many levels of society.
How can you help?
• We are a private, non-profit organization. Any donations to assist us in our work will be gratefully accepted.
• Submissions by professionals to our expert forum on the Internet. For more information regarding the criteria for submissions, please check out our submissions section of our web-site.
• Submissions of survivors of family violence to our peer forum on the Internet. For more information regarding the criteria for submissions please check out our submissions section of our web-site.
• Increase referral capability. Agencies, programs, and private practitioners who provide services in the field of family violence to become a part of our network of resources.
• Professional networking capacity. We are in this fight together. Sharing our ideas, goals and any other information enables us all to work more productively on the issue.
A missão da organização descrita no texto é a de
a) trabalhar no mundo todo para interromper o ciclo do abuso infantil.
b) promover a quebra da infantilidade gerada por diversos níveis sociais.
c) quebrar as redes que promovem abuso infantil no mundo todo.
d) socializar redes que promovem o abuso infantil em diversos níveis culturais.
e) gerar o comprometimento de vários níveis da sociedade para a discussão do abuso infantil.
Esta questão recebeu 1 comentário

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