UNESP (julho) 2005 – Questão 84

Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Kinds of coordinating conjunctions
From Jesus to Christ
How did a Jewish prophet come to be seen as the Christian savior? The epic story of the empty tomb, the early battles and the making of a great faith.
By Jon Meacham
 The  story,  it  seemed,  was  over.  Convicted of sedition, condemned to death by crucifixion, nailed to a cross on a hill called Golgotha, Jesus of Nazareth had endured all that he could. According to Mark, the earliest Gospel, Jesus, suffering and approaching the end, repeated a verse of the 22nd Psalm, a passage familiar to first-century Jewish ears: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” There was a final, wordless cry. And then silence.
Why have you forsaken me? From the Gospel accounts, it was  a  question  for  which Jesus’ disciples  had  no ready answer. In the chaos of the arrest and Crucifixion, the early followers had scattered. They had expected victory, not defeat,  in this  Jerusalem spring. If Jesus were,  as  they believed, the Jewish Messiah, than his great achievement would be the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on earth, an age marked by the elimination of evil, the dispensation of justice, the restoration of Israel and the general resurrection of the dead.
Instead, in the Friday of this Passover, at just the moment they were looking for the arrival of a king of heaven on earth, Jesus, far from leading the forces of light and triumph, died a criminal’s death (...)
A conjunção "instead" no início do último parágrafo apresenta uma ideia de
a) adição.
b) condição.
c) concessão.
d) contradição.
e) causa.
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