UNESP (julho) 2005 – Questão 74

Linguagens / Inglês / -ing (gerund) forms / Formation
O texto seguinte fornece informações sobre o site www.theliteracysite.com. Leia-o atentamente.
The Literacy Site was founded to help promote literacy among children from low-income families nationwide. Partnering with First Book, the site makes books available to children around the country, giving many children their very first book. With the generous support of our sponsors, each click provides 1% of a book. Making books a part of a child’s life is the best way to encourage the love of reading.
In addition to clicking the red “Give Free Books” button, visitors can help make books available by shopping in The Literacy Site store. With each item purchased, shoppers generate funds for free books for children in need. The store offers a wide array of unique and meaningful items, including apparel, jewelry, home accents and gifts from around the world.
Os verbos giving, making, reading e clicking, que aparecem destacados no texto, apresentam os seguintes significados:
a) dar, fazer, ler e clicar
b) dando, fazendo, lendo e clicando
c) dando, fazer, leitura e clicar
d) dar, fazendo, lendo e clicar
e) dando, fazer, leitura e clicando
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