UFU -medicina 2021 – Questão 42
Linguagens / Inglês
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
Base dudow 2000 – Questão 75
Mark the sentence which the use of Present Continuous is correct:
a) What are you doing now?
b) It is rain now.
c) He is going to buy a car tomorrow.
d) Did you sleep early?
e) Are he studying now?Base dudow 2000 – Questão 36
O advérbio “never” utilizado na sentença do cartoon é de que classe?
a) manner
b) time
c) frequency
d) place
e) degreeBase dudow 2000 – Questão 37
Karen _____ me an e-mail about it. (to send)
a) have send
b) has send
c) didn’t send
d) has sent
UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 59
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase abaixo.
"Since the introduction of iPod or MP3 music player headphones many minor street accidents ______"
a) occurs
b) is occurring
c) had occurred
d) have occurred
e) were occurringBase dudow 2000 – Questão 53
Assinale a alternativa que usa corretamente o Relative Clause para a seguinte oração:
The girls are intelligent. They won the game.
a) The girls which are intelligent won the game.
b) The girls who are intelligent won the game.
c) The girls are intelligent who won the game.
d) The girls are intelligent which won the game.
e) The girls are intelligent that won the game.