UFSM PS2 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 52

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text

Aral Sea
The Aral Sea is a saline endorheic basin1 in Central Asia; it lies between Kazakhstan(Aktobe and Kyzylorda provinces) in the north and Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan, in the south. The name roughly translates as "Sea of Islands2", referring to more than 1,500 islands that once dotted is waters.
Formerly3 one of the four largest lakes of the world with an area of 68,000 square kilometres (26,000 sq mi), the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since5 the 1960s after6 the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects. By 2007, it had declined to 10% of its original size, splitting into three lakes- the North Aral Sea and the eastern and western basins of the once far larger South Aral Sea. By7 2009, the south-eastern lake had disappeared and the south-western lake retreated to a thin strip at8 the extreme west of the former southern sea. The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 42 metres9 (138 ft) (as of 2008).
The region's once prosperous fishing industry has been virtually destroyed,bringing unemployment and economic hardship10. The Aral Sea region is also heavily polluted11, with consequent serious public health problems. The retreat of the sea has reportedly also caused local climate change, with summers becoming hotter and drier, and winters colder and longer.
It has been called "one of the planet's worst environmental disasters".
Assinale com verdadeira (V)  ou falsa (F) as afirmações a seguir sobre o mar Aral.
(   )      Desde os anos 60 até 2007, ele diminuiu de 68.000 km² para 6.800 km².
(   )      Em 2008, sua profundidade máxima era de 42 metros.
(   )      A região ao redor  do mar Aral tornou-se menos populosa.
A sequência correta é
a) V - V - F.
b) F - F - V.
c) F - V - V.
d) F - V - F.
e) V - F - F

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