UFSM PS1 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 38
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Locate parts of a text that sustain an answer or a position
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Segundo o texto, o governo central:
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The study results indicate that 50 year-old people who displayed a higher degree of welfare:
a) have never suffered from depression.
b) have kept the same social values of their youth.
c) had a favourable opinion about younger people.
d) had frequent social connections when they were 20 years old.
e) are used to making friends with people from different backgrounds.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 62
(FMU-SP) If I were you, I _______ her.
a) will forgive
b) would forgive
c) forgave
d) would have forgiven
e) had forgaveBase dudow 2000 – Questão 48
Em inglês, "Você está esperando alguma carta?" seria:
a) Have you been waiting for a chart?
b) Are you staying for the lecture?
c) Are you attending any lecture?
d) Are you expecting a letter?
e) Have you been hoping for a lecture?Base dudow 2000 – Questão 44
The passive voice of "Nobody will lay the stones on the wall" is:
a) The stones will be lain on the wall.
b) Nobody will be laid the stones on the wall.
c) The stones will be lied on the wall by nobody.
d) The wall will be lay the stones by nobody.
e) The stones will not be laid on the wall.