UFSM PS1 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 36

Linguagens / Inglês / Adjectives / Position of Adjectives
What makes a teenager grow up to live a normal life while1 another turns to murder?
Researchers suggest the answer may lie in a part of the brain that controls planning, reasoning and impulse control. Studies are revealing physiological differences between2 the brains of normal people and those of people who kill.
"There is clearly a biological predisposition to violence", says psychologist Adrian Raine of the University of Southern California. "We know there are murderers who don’t have the usual signs – a history of child abuse, poverty, domestic violence, broken homes – and yet3 they commit violence. Research suggests the cause may lie internally, in terms4 of abnormal biological functioning".
Raine led studies comparing5 the brains of 41 murderers with those of 41 nonviolent6 people matched by age and gender. He found that ‘‘murderers have poorer7 functioning of the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain located above8 the eyes, behind the forehead. This is the part of the brain that controls regulating behaviors – the part that says 'wait a minute9'".
In another study, Raine divided the murderers into two groups: those from healthy, stable family backgrounds and those from10 abusive, dysfunctional homes. "It’s the murderers from good home environments who have the poorest brain functioning", he says.
Anita Manning, in USA Today, AMOS, E. et al. Sun 2. 2. ed. São Paulo: Richmond, 2004
Assinale a afirmação correta.
a) A palavra "domestic" (antes da ref.3) é um substantivo.
b) A palavra "led" (antes da ref.5) é uma conjunção.
c) A palavra "above" (ref.8) é um verbo.
d) A palavra "from" (ref.10) é um advérbio.
e) A palavra "healthy" (antes da ref.10) é um adjetivo.

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