UFSM PS1 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 35
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Analyse the characteristics of a text: type of discourse; genre; structure; objectives
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UERJ 2008 – Questão 20
American songwriter and singer Melissa Etheridge wrote I need to wake up for Al Gore´s documentary on global
warming entitled An inconvenient truth.
In the first stanza, the feeling expressed by the writer is best described as that of:
a) self-criticism
b) self-protection
c) self-indulgence
d) self-compassionBase dudow 2000 – Questão 68
Who were the protagonists of this story?
a) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and a young man.
b) The protagonists were the gas station´s owner and an older man.
c) The protagonists were a man and a young one.
d) They were two young man.
e) They were two men who worked at gas station.FGV Economia 2011 – Questão 83
No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – Instead of pushing him around, they even seemed to look up to him. – a palavra instead indica a ideia de
a) substituição.
b) ênfase.
c) adversidade.
d) conclusão.
e) condição.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 39
Se visitasse o Brasil, Barack Obama perceberia que, em relação ao passado, o país está mais
a) americanizado.
b) endividado.
c) favelizado.
d) feio.
e) isolado.UNIFESP port e inglês 2011 – Questão 43
The excerpt of the first paragraph – You just do. – means that
a) people simply laugh.
b) you laugh because you learned it.
c) people laugh involuntarily.
d) you started laughing since you were a baby.
e) people laugh the same way.