UFSM 2012 ps2 - todas menos Fil, Esp - resoluções no final 2012 – Questão 47
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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UFSM PS2 - todas menos Fil, His, Esp - resoluções 2011 – Questão 51
O fragmento que melhor descreve a imagem apresentada no texto é o seguinte:
a) ‘‘The name rougly translates as ‘Sea of Islands’’’ (ref.2).
b) ‘‘The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 42 metres’’ (ref.9).
c) ‘‘bringing unemployment and economic hardship’’ (ref.10).
d) ‘‘The Aral Sea is a saline endorheic basin’’ (ref.1).
e) ‘‘the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s’’ (ref.5).UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 70
Consider the statements below.
I - The expectation was that the festival would occur in an orderly and pacific fashion.
II - The Democratic convention in Chicago took place with considerable disturbance.
III - The chief of police in Monticello had a good impression of the festival participants.
Which are correct, according to the text?
a) Only I.
b) Only III.
c) Only I and II.
d) Only I and III.
e) Only II and III.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 24
In the text, all the following verb-phrases are passive constructions, except
a) was not made (lines 4 and 5).
b) had been forged (lines 5 and 6
c) has been withdrawn (line 11).
d) were conducting (line 12).
e) were sold (line 15).FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 31
According to the information in the article,
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 45
Identifique a forma passiva de: "People found out all the truth."
a) All the truth was found out.
b) All the truth had been found out.
c) All the truth was found out by people.
d) All the truth had been found out by the people.
e) All the truth has been found out.