UFRGS - Inglês 2010 – Questão 60

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
We have heard of people trapped in their homes by a stubborn fear of the outdoors, but English disk jockey (DJ) Steve Miller is forced to avoid the most ordinary public places because of an allergy to modern technology. Miller, who once played at a club in Ibiza, is hit by dizziness, confusion and nausea .......... he is near a wireless (wi-fi) connection. Trips to the shops, the pub or catching a train all leave him in agonizing pain. Steve said "I feel like an exile on my own planet, it's almost impossible to find somewhere without wi-fi .......... I go somewhere, I can instantly sense the wi-fi and have to leg it".
The condition, known as electromagnetic sensitivity, affects two per cent of the population, and this is set to grow as more people opt for wireless internet signals. Steve does his normal daily chores with the help of a 'wi-fi detector' which spots areas he should avoid .......... he has still lost thousands of pounds of work because of this condition. Moving house has become a real mission for him because he has to avoid homes close to a connection. He said "I can't live within 50 meters of anyone, I wouldn't be able to stand it feeling ill in my own house". In his current home he is shielded from the 'electrosmog' by sturdy 45-centimeters thick walls.
There have been calls for the Government to determine whether or not wireless networks can damage your health and some teaching leaders have called for an investigation of the effects of wi-fi technology in schools.
Adaptado de: THORNHILL, Cher. Daily Mail, 24 July 2009.
Considere as seguintes afirmações.
I - A sensibilidade eletromagnética tende a afetar mais e mais pessoas à medida que aumenta a opção por internet sem fio.
II - O governo tem sido solicitado a se manifestar sobre se as conexões sem fio causam ou não danos à saúde.
III - Em algumas escolas foram detectados alguns efeitos das conexões sem fio.
Quais estão de acordo com o texto?
a) Apenas I.
b) Apenas II.
c) Apenas III.
d) Apenas I e II.
e) I, II e III.

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