UFR 2019 – Questão 68

Linguagens / Inglês
Text  pictures ordinary events about a mixed deaf and hearing family: a deaf father (Desmond), a mother who’s an American Sign Language interpreter (Helen), and their hearing son (Cedric). In this comic stripe, Cedric talks about his father to his playmates, who are afraid of Desmond because:
a) Desmond is using gesturing language to tell his son Cedric that he doesn’t like his playmates to look at him funny like that.
b) Cedric asks Desmond to take his playmates to theplanet “Eyeth” to teach them a gesturing language spoken by CIA alien agents.
c) Desmond comes from another planet called “Eyeth”, where people have eyes hidden in the back of their head and speak in a gesturing language.
d) Cedric made them think Desmond’s a CIA alien agent who speaks a top secret language and can see without looking straight to the person’s eyes.
e) Desmond is looking at them using his hidden eyes he keeps in the back of his head while conspiring against them in a gesturing language with his son Cedric.

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April 22, 2012 ...