UFPR 2020 – Questão 89

Linguagens / Inglês
How the American Dream has changed
The phrase ‘American Dream’was officially coined just under 90 years ago in a book called The Epic of America by James Truslow Adams. He argued it was “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”
Today: No single American Dream?
For some today the American Dream means a chance for fame and celebrity, while for othersit means succeeding through the old adage of family values and hard work. Still others believe that the American Dream just represents a world closed to all but the elite with their wealth and contacts[...]. Meanwhile, surveys have found that almost half of all millennials believe the American Dream is dead. In an ever-changing country, the idea of what the American Dream means to different people is changing too.
(Disponível em: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/what-the-american-dream-looked-like-the-decade-you-were-born/ss-AABbxjy
According to the part of the text that starts with “For some today the American Dream...”, how many different meanings can be related to the American Dream today?
a) 5.
b) 4.
c) 3.
d) 2.
e) 1.

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