UFABC 2009 – Questão 62

Linguagens / Inglês / Conjunctions / Subordinating Conjunctions
Brazil to provide vocational
education to poor families

July 29, 2008

RIO DE JANEIRO – About 185,000 Brazilians will receive vocational education in September under a social program launched by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2003, the Brazilian government announced Monday. In his weekly radio program Breakfast with the President, Lula said that the program is aimed at giving people a chance to learn skills so that they will no longer depend on government’s monthly aid.
The Bolsa Familia is a welfare program, which provides financial aid to 11 million families with their per capita monthly income less than 120 reais (75 U.S. dollars). Each family receives a monthly allowance of up to 182 reais (115 U.S. dollars), as long as their children attend school and take vaccines. The program benefits a total of 45 million people in the country, making it the largest conditional cash transfer program in the world.
Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Fortaleza will be the first batch of cities to carry out the program. President Lula added that the Ministry of Education has signed an agreement with some largest vocational schools to help poor workers receive education.
No trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – Each family receives a monthly allowance of up to 182 reais (115 U.S. dollars), as long as their children attend school and take vaccines. – a expressão as long as significa
a) por causa de.
b) contanto que.
c) assim como.
d) ao longo de.
e) mesmo que.

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