UERJ 2019 – Questão 26
Linguagens / Inglês
Veja outras questões semelhantes:
FUVEST 2005 – Questão 82
According to the passage, Symbian Dater is a program that
a) connects cell phones to radio stations.
b) makes it possible to restrict the acceptance of calls on a cell phone.
c) is installed in a cell phone to make it look for its owner’s perfect mate.
d) installs a code in cell phones in order to prevent them from being used by strangers.
e) is still unlicensed because it has to be perfected.FAMERP 2016 – Questão 73
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “who conducted the study while a doctoral candidate”, o termo em destaque tem o sentido de:
a) during the time
b) until
c) in spite of
d) wherever
e) as soon asBase dudow 2000 – Questão 5
"The seeds will be eaten by the birds" is the active form:
a) The birds will eat the seeds.
b) The birds ate the seeds.
c) The birds will be eaten by the seeds.
d) The seeds will eat the birds.
e) The birds are going to eat the seeds.UNESP s. port 2007 – Questão 79
Escolha a alternativa que, segundo o texto 2, resume a gravidade da situação apresentada.
...UNESP s. port 2006 – Questão 82
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:
"Although it is possible to identify who ............... a website, it is impossible to avoid ............... some ethical consequences of disclosing anonymity."
a) run ... cope
b) runs ... dealing with
c) have ... respond to
d) running ... coping with
e) has run ... dealing