UERJ 2012 – Questão 53
Ciências Humanas / Geografia / Poluição Ambiental / Poluição do Ar
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UERJ 2009 – Questão 17
The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement:
a) effective activism is attainable with political support
b) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs
c) community engagement is sustained by political action
d) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizationsUERJ 2016 – Questão 18
In the text, there are euphemisms to refer to Maya Angelou’s death.
The words used by the author that represent euphemisms are:
a) passing (ref.1)–departure (ref.10)
b) spirit (ref.2) – spectrum ( ref.2)
c) heaven (ref.3) – relic (ref.8)
d) lifetime (ref.6) – existence (ref.9)UERJ 2006 – Questão 51
Radiografia do século XX no seu final
...UERJ 2006 – Questão 18
The author conceptualizes "authority" in psychological terms, describing the kind of influence exerted by
...UERJ 2013 – Questão 1
No segundo quadro da tira, a minhoca se esconde para não ser notada pelas cobras.
Essa tentativa de desaparecimento da personagem é enfatizada pelo uso do seguinte recurso:
a) caráter exclamativo de uma fala.
b) movimento conjunto das cobras.
c) ausência da moldura do quadro.
d) presença de personagens distintos.