UERJ 2011 – Questão 18

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
Book reading experience and the ultimate technology 
The computer is just a feeble attempt of humankind to replicate the workings of a unique invention, while science is an attempt to understand the craftsmanship of the greatest masterpiece – Nature.
As we all know, scientists can only replicate carbon-based life forms. They cannot literally make from out of thin air any genetic material. They rely on raw materials from resources provided by nature. It is just like trying to simulate the functions of the human brain by inventing the computer. The brain is the fastest and most powerful multimedia computer that exists in the present. It is organic, self upgrading and has high articulation. The computer, on the other hand, cannot help itself without the intervention of humans.
A computer hooked to the internet provides access to all the knowledge of humanity. However, there is a downside about this convenience. It deprives the human brain the necessary thinking skills and training for data hunting and information processing. A student today only needs to access the internet to do research homework. However, the learning experience is defeated since it is not the student who researches the data needed for the school homework but the web browser. So where is the selective learning process?
If carrying books is so tiresome, mobile devices like smart phones will do the trick. All a student has to do is search in a web browser for the Intext free eBook reader, for example, and then hit enter. While there are lots of commercially available eBooks being offered out there, education must not be so costly. That’s why there are millions of electronic books downloadable all over the world for free.
Reading books, either printed or the electronic version, provides the learner the essential mental training for data hunting, logical reasoning for information processing and the uncanny ability to differentiate truth from lies, right from wrong, facts from fallacy, real from a hoax and the appropriate from the inappropriate.
In the process of reading a book, a learner elevates the capacity of the human brain for stimulation of the senses by indexing information for instant recall and further developing comprehension through mental processing of data.
Nature is the “Ultimate Technology” and the human brain is one of its most powerful inventions. We are zillions of years more advanced as compared to our technology. However, digital media such as e-texts can surely serve as invaluable and easy to access reading material. Thus, let’s take advantage of this technology to the fullest by engaging in reading extensively in order to enhance our natural skills and talents.
JOEFEL CAGAMPANG <http://www.goarticles.com>

Paragraph 5 lists positive results from reading books. The exemplification offered by the author emphasizes the capacity of:
a) synthesis
b) distinction
c) identification
d) memorization

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