UERJ 2008 – Questão 45
Ciências Humanas / Geografia / Comércio e Serviços na Economia Global / Sistema Financeiro Internacional
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UERJ 2008 – Questão 36
Considere o icosaedro abaixo, construído em plástico inflável, cujos vértices e pontos médios de todas as arestas estão marcados.
...UERJ 2012 – Questão 16
According to some authors, a memoir is how one remembers one’s own life; an autobiography is history, requiring research, dates and facts.
In relation to the author’s life, the text Happiness can be characterized as a memoir especially because of the presence of:
a) factual reports
b) fictional recounts
c) detailed descriptions
d) personal recollectionsUERJ 2012 – Questão 18
A euphemism is a mild, indirect or vague expression used instead of one considered offensive, harsh or blunt. It may be used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas. According to the definition above, the expression “genetic engineering” can be considered a euphemism because:
a) it describes benign genetic activities
b) it is synonymous with “genetically modified”
c) it obscures the indiscriminate mixing of genes
d) it refers to monstrous experiments with genesUERJ 2006 – Questão 17
The argumentative structure of the text contains three phases that reflect the writer's reasoning process.
The correct ordering of stages in the argumentation developed by the author is:
a) thesis - problem - explanation.
b) opinion - assertion - synthesis.
c) suggestion - justification - contrast.
d) hypothesis - discussion - disagreement.UERJ 2019 – Questão 28
The proverb which can best summarize the main idea present in the song is:
a) Time stands still.
b) Time is a great healer.
c) There’s a time and a place.
d) Time and tide wait for no man.