UERJ 2008 – Questão 20

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
I need to wake up
stanza 1
Have I been sleeping?
I´ve been so afraid of crumbling.
Have I been careless? Dismissing all the distant rumblings?
Take me where I am supposed to be to comprehend the things that I can´t see.
stanza 2
And as a child I danced like it was in 1999.
My dreams were wild.
The promise of this new world would be mine.
Now I am throwing off the carelessness of youth to listen to an inconvenient truth.

stanza 3
And I need to move; I need to wake up; I need to change;
I need to shake up; I need to speak out.
Something´s got to break up.
I´ve been asleep and I need to wake up now. 
American songwriter and singer Melissa Etheridge wrote I need to wake up for Al Gore´s documentary on global 
warming entitled An inconvenient truth.
In the first stanza, the feeling expressed by the writer is best described as that of:
a) self-criticism
b) self-protection
c) self-indulgence
d) self-compassion

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