UERJ 2008 – Questão 18
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 38
Where in the passage does the author introduce advantages of the Atkins diet?
a) Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
b) Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.
c) Paragraphs 3, 6 and 7.
d) Paragraphs 3, 8 and 9.
e) Paragraphs 3, 6 and 10.
FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 83
According to the text,
a) businesses have to prepare products for older consumers in future.
b) people born after the second world war had many babies, who now are better educated than their parents.
c) plastic surgery is the main thing older people wish to do when they retire.
d) many senior citizens in rich countries want to get a better education after retirement.
e) most companies are managing to create stylish items that appeal to both young and old consumers.UERJ 2022 – Questão 33
Ao mergulhar no mar, um banhista sente-se mal e necessita ser socorrido. Observe na imagem quatro trajetórias possíveis − I, II, III e IV − que o salva-vidas, localizado no ponto A, pode fazer para alcançar o banhista, no ponto B.
Desprezando a força da correnteza, a fim de que o socorro seja feito o mais rapidamente possível, o salva-vidas deve optar pela seguinte trajetória:
a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IVUNIFESP port e inglês 2005 – Questão 40
According to the text,
a) people over 30 sleep more.
b) people who sleep more than eight hours per night have poor health.
c) there is a correlation between good health and less than seven hours of sleep.
d) poor health may cause people to sleep longer.
e) the cause of early death is fatigue.