UERJ 2008 – Questão 17

Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Identify the main idea of the text
U.N. draft cites humans in effects of climate shift​

The latest United Nations assessment of the role of humans in global warming has found with “high confidence” that greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly responsible for a host of changes already under way1, including longer growing seasons and shrinking glaciers. 
A summary of the working draft of the report was provided to The New York Times yesterday by several people involved in reviewing it. It is a detailed follow-up to a February report by the United Nations group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,  which was the fourth assessment since 1990 of the basic science that points to a human hand on the planet’s thermostat. The new report describes the specific effects of climate changes on people and ecology, identifies those species and regions at greatest risk and describes options for limiting risks. Some of the changes could be beneficial, but most will prove  harmful in the long run, the report says. 
It finds that global warming caused by humans  has most certainly contributed to recent shifts  in ecosystems, weather patterns, oceans and icy  regions, and that it will have large and lasting effects  on human affairs and on the planet’s web of life in  this century. It predicts a variety of health effects as well,  with “increased deaths, disease and injury due to  heat waves, floods, storms, fires and droughts2”, but  also “some benefits to health such as fewer deaths  from cold”. 
Also in the plus column, higher concentrations of  carbon dioxide, the main heat-trapping gas, are contributing to a greener world, according to the draft3. Based on satellite observations since the early 1980's, there is high confidence that there has been a trend in many regions towards earlier greening of vegetation in the spring and increased net primary production linked to longer growing seasons and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. But warming in cool regions can bring mixed results, the draft says. 
For example, while temperate and higher latitudes could be friendlier to farming, they are also proving friendlier to weeds4, as well as insect pests and wildfires that are likely to imperil forests. 
In the long run, most regions are likely to be more  harmed than helped by the changes, the draft says. 
For example, projections for coming decades foresee intensifying drought and downpours, as well as a  relentless intrusion of rising seas – at an uncertain rate – along crowded coasts and around low-lying islands. Water supplies fed by alpine snows or ice sheets are already experiencing changes and could be greatly disrupted, it said. 
Scientists and government officials sparred over the wording of the draft with disagreements on the level of certainty in projections of health and ecological consequences of warming. But over all, the report is expected to provide significant new detail on a world increasingly influenced by human actions, most notably the buildup of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted mainly by burning fossil fuels and forests. 

The text deals with cause and effect relations in climate shift.
Man´s intervention and ecological consequences are considered, respectively, as:
a) variable and accurate
b) conclusive and unpredictable
c) incomplete and irreversible
d) controversial and immediate

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