UERJ 2005 – Questão 60
Ciências Humanas / Geografia / A Nova Ordem Mundial / Os Blocos
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As relações entre os respectivos alcances horizontais Ax , Ay e Az das bolas X, Y e Z, com relação à borda da mesa, estão apresentadas em:
a) Ax < Ay < Az
b) Ay = Ax = Az
c) Az < Ay < Ax
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In: GONÇALVES, Adelaide e COSTA, Pedro E. B. (orgs.). Mais borracha para a vitória. Brasília: Ideal Gráfica, 2008.
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Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information (ref.10)
In relation to the rest of the statement, the underlined fragment has the objective of:
a) formulating a hypothesis
b) supporting an opinion
c) implementing an idea
d) proving a poin