PUC -SP 2019 – Questão 59

Linguagens / Inglês
The key trends that will shape renewable energy in 2018 and beyond
A man cleans a solar panel installed on his rooftop for free by thegovernment in China. Image: REUTERS/Stringer (12 Jan)
When clean energy first made headway in the global scenario, questions were raised about how stable and scalable it was. At a macro level, unstable policies for powering future growth were exacerbated by technological immaturity and lack of funding. Nevertheless, clean energy installations continued to grow, albeit slowly, until a dramatic leap a few years ago.
An unprecedented drop in the cost of producing clean energy has occurred in the last couple of years. It is becoming the cheapest source of power for more and more countries.These heady declines in cost are likely to continue over the next decade.Given its increasing affordability, the applications and use cases of renewable energy have broadened. Alongside electricity production,it is providing new solutions for mobility and energy security worldwide.
The electric vehicle market is growing rapidly, with China leading the way, and European and American markets following suit. Countries like India are already targeting complete electrification of its vehicular fleet by 2030. The affordability and widespread use of electric vehicles is being driven in part by falling battery costs.These enable further energy stability solutions, includingwind-solar hybrid generation.
Today, a fifth of the world’s electricity is produced by renewable energy. In 2016, there were 160GW of clean energy installations globally. This is 10% more than in 2015, but they cost almost a quarter less. New solar power gave the biggest boost, providing half of all new capacity, followed by wind power, which provided a third, and hydropower, which gave 15%. It was the first year inhistory that added solar capacity outstripped any other electricity-producing technology.
Careful protectionism or liberalisation of the renewables sector – according to each country’s requirements – is necessary so as not to harm sector growth in the long run. There must be a balance between fair competition on the one hand, and incentives for companies to focus on development on the other hand, while gaining good returns on their investments.Governments must focus on technology and manufacturing commitments that support clean energy.
Renewable energy is a global phenomenon on the upswing. For the foreseeable future, its growth is set to accelerate. But we have to ensure that progress is made inthe right way. Our priorities and decisions now will determine how future societies benefit.
Fonte <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/01/clean-energy-renewablegrowth-sustainable-key-trends/> (adaptado)
É dado correto, de acordo com o quarto parágrafo:
a) Percentualmente, a energia solar tem crescido mais do que outras formas de energia limpa.
b) Atualmente, 50% da eletricidade mundial provém de energia renovável.
c) Em 2015, instalações de energia limpa superaram em
10% a produção dos anos anteriores.
d) Em 2016, o número de instalações de energia renovável diminuiu drasticamente.

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