PUC -SP 2018 – Questão 57
Linguagens / Inglês
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In the excerpt of the fourth paragraph – where it might be too dangerous to speak into a radio transmitter. – the word might conveys an idea of
a) possibility.
b) ability.
c) request.
d) certainty.
e) demand.UERJ 2012 – Questão 18
A euphemism is a mild, indirect or vague expression used instead of one considered offensive, harsh or blunt. It may be used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas. According to the definition above, the expression “genetic engineering” can be considered a euphemism because:
a) it describes benign genetic activities
b) it is synonymous with “genetically modified”
c) it obscures the indiscriminate mixing of genes
d) it refers to monstrous experiments with genesBase dudow 2000 – Questão 32
Assinale a alternativa correta para o Genitive Case.
Some books of Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas are much complicated.
a) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
b) Some Shakespeares‘ and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
c) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
d) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
e) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 52
Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmações abaixo, conforme estejam ou não de acordo com o texto.
...PUC -SP 2020 – Questão 6
Considere as matrizes A = ,B = e C = A2. Sabendo que det A = det B,o produto dos elementos da diagonal principal da matriz C é igual a
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10