PUC -SP 2018 – Questão 56

Linguagens / Inglês
Responda as questões de acordo com o texto de Jonathan Wolfe e a figura que o ilustra.
New York Today:
Goodbye, Subway Seats
https://www.nytimes.com/Acessado em 10/10/2017. Adaptado.
The new seatless area on a redesigned
E train car. Credit Metropolitan Transit Authority
Good morning on this warming Thursday.
Subway riders: Have you noticed anything missing from your commute? Like, maybe a seat? On Tuesday, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority rolled out redesigned subway cars on the E line, with some of the seats removed.
The agency hopes that up to 10 more people will be able to squeeze into each new car — meaning 80 to 100 extra commuters per train — to help reduce overcrowding. In all, 100 cars will lose their seats in the pilot program. The L train and the 42nd Street Shuttle are next in line for the redesign, according to the authority.
Yesterday, we waited at the 34th Street station for a few trains to pass before one of the refurbished models, with its navy blue wrapping, pulled into the station.
With the seats removed at the front and back of the car, it felt roomy, even, dare we say, luxurious — though that likely won’t be the case during rush hour. People were enthusiastic about the interiors, calling them “bright,” “cheerful,” even “beautiful.”
As for the deleted seats, reviews were mixed.
É CORRETO afirmar que o texto indica que há
a) sólido apoio da população à iniciativa da companhia do metrô de Nova Iorque, que prevê possibilidade de mais usuários com mais conforto.
b) descontentamento de usuários do metrô pela redução de assentos.
c) oposição do próprio autor com relação ao plano piloto de remoção dos assentos.
d) comentários favoráveis e desfavoráveis à retirada de assentos proposta pela companhia do metrô.

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