ITA 2005 – Questão 31

Linguagens / Inglês
The smaller boys were known by the generictitle of "Iittluns". The decrease in size, from Ralphdown, was gradual; and though there was a dubious region inhabited by Simon and Robert and Maurice,nevertheless no one had any difficulty in recognizing biguns at one end and littluns at the other. The undoubted littluns, those aged about six, led a quite distinct, and at the same time intense, life of their own. They ate most of the day, picking fruit where they could reach it and not particular about ripenessand quality. They were used now to stomach-achesand a sort of chronic diarrhoea. They suffered untoldterrors in the dark and huddled together for comfort.Apart from food and sleep, they found time for play,aimless and trivial, among the white sand by the bright water. They cried for their mothers much lessoften than might have been expected; they werevery brown, and filthily dirty. They obeyed the sum-mons of the conch, partly because Ralph blew it,and he was big enough to be a link with the adultworld of authority; and partly because they enjoyedthe entertainment of the assemblies. But other wisethey seldom bothered with the biguns and their passionately emotional and corporate life was theirown.
They had built castles in the sand at the bar ofthe little river. These castles were about one foothigh and were decorated with shells, withered flo-wers, and interesting stones. Round the castleswas a complex of marks, tracks, walls, railway lines,that were of significance only if inspected with theeye at beach-level. The littluns played here, if nothappily at least with absorbed attention; and oftenas many as three of them would play the same game together.
(Golding, W. Lord of the flies.1954/1977: 64-65)
Assinale a opção em que as orações desmembradas da sentença "The undoubted littluns, those aged about six,led a quite distinct, and at the same time intense, life of their own." (linhas 7, 8 e 9), mantêm o significado original.
a) The lives of the littluns, who were six, were really distinct. They were also quite intense.
b) Those aged six were called the littluns. Their liveswere distinct and intense.
c) The littluns’ lives were distinct. At the same time,they were very intense.
d) The boys aged six led a quite distinct life. They also led a very intense life.
e) The undoubted littluns were the ones about six. They led a quite distinct and intense life of their own.

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