ITA 2003 – Questão 49
Linguagens / Inglês
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UFRGS - Inglês 2011 – Questão 68
Salim would be surprised to see the narrator because the narrator
a) has become a vendor.
b) is wearing Levi's jeans.
c) is using hired transportation.
d) has arrived by train.
e) is carrying a suitcase.UFSJ Inglês 2012 – Questão 46
It is CORRECT to say about the text that
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 50
De acordo com o texto
a) livros podem ser tão tentadores quanto chocolates.
b) livros são o único meio de comunicação que pode ser dado de presente.
c) a extensão de um livro deve ser adequada à mensagem.
d) dar o livro certo demonstra uma atenção ao gosto do presenteado.
e) a forma ideal de garantir um bom presente é informar-se com antecedência.UERJ 2009 – Questão 17
The text presents a comparative analysis of political involvement in different decades. According to Carroll, the conflicting attitude between youth generations of the 1960s and of today is expressed in the following statement:
a) effective activism is attainable with political support
b) traditional institutions are conscious of political needs
c) community engagement is sustained by political action
d) cooperative actions are dependent on political organizationsBase dudow 2000 – Questão 20
A sentença ―"If Orwell‘s book were to be written, you would have a nightmare vision of the world" na Terceira Condicional é: