FGV 2022 – Questão 26

Linguagens / Inglês
Online, Generation Z (ages 9-24) has been criticising numerous aspects of mainstream Millennial (ages 25-40) style, namely their affections for side-parted hair and skinny jeans. In the process they have unleashed a tidal wave of bold, self-conscious and downright spiteful reactions from Millennials. The trending dispute is so impassioned, not due to a lifelong allegiance to the particular jeans or hairstyle in question, but because the accusation of being outdated has forced Millennials to face an uncomfortable truth: there's been a transfer of generational power.
(Cassidy George. www.bbc.com, 22.02.2021. Adapted.)

According to the text, Generation Z’s criticism of mainstream Millenials
a) reveals the lack of affection of youngsters towards older people.
b) has sparked an excessively aggressive dialogue between the two groups.
c) has been seen as unjustifiable judgement of one group towards the other.
d) did not come out as heated a dispute as one would have expected.
e) reflects the growth of the social influence of the former.

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