FGV 2022 – Questão 19

Linguagens / Inglês
Many feel as if the covid-19 pandemic is stealing their present and jeopardising their future. But this unprecedented global public health emergency is also precipitating the destruction of our past, one piece at a time. Indeed, the pandemic has exacerbated the theft and trafficking of antiquities and historical manuscripts, eroding our collective memory and ability to share it with future generations. Although the theft of antiquities has been a problem since antiquity itself, its pace has increased during the pandemic, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa — areas rich in heritage sites.
(Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari. www.aljazeera.com,
30.07.2021. Adapted.)

According to the writer,
a) covid-19 is robbing people of their expectations about the present and the future.
b) both the pandemic and the trafficking of relics are to be seen as global emergencies.
c) the pandemic has facilitated anti-ethical and even illegal attitudes, individual as well as collective ones.
d) the stealing of antiquities should not surprise us since it is a practice as old as civilization.
e) the theft of historical objects and documents has helped compromise humanity’s collective memory.

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