FGV 2014 – Questão 58
Ciências Humanas / Geografia
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Considere as afirmações abaixo sobre os pólos tecnológicos no Brasil.
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According to the information in the article, which of the following is most likely true about the suppliers that Apple audited?
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With respect to the various ways in which Steven Kim helped North Korean refugees, the article mentions all of the following except
a) he found places for the refugees to stay where they would be out of danger.
b) he provided the refugees with good clothing and new identities so that they could avoid being arrested.
c) he took care of some the refugees’ basic needs.
d) he made it possible for the refugees to purchase some items.
e) he found ways to get the refugees out of China.FGV 2012 – Questão 1
Em um período de grande volatilidade no mercado, Rosana adquiriu um lote de ações e verificou, ao final do dia, que ele sofrera uma valorização de 8% em relação ao preço pago na compra. No final do dia seguinte, o mesmo lote sofrera uma...FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 33
In paragraph 1, the sentence "Even Apple's account raises more questions than it answers" most likely means the same as which of the following?