FGV Economia 2010 – Questão 90

Linguagens / Inglês / Tenses / The present perfect tense
Petrobras approves first offshore heavy oil development
Petrobras has approved the development project for its Siri field in the Campos basin, according to a news report from Brazil. The field will be the first in the world  ____I___extra heavy oil from an offshore site. Siri field, off the coast of Southeast Brazil, ____II___ in production tests since March and the company plans to contract production equipment in 2011.
(ww.ogfj.com/index/article-display/9965473505/s-articles/s-oil-gas- financial-journal/s-volume-6/s-Issue_7/s-Features/s-Special_Report/s-Brazil_Briefs.html Adaptado)
Assinale a alternativa que completa, correta e respectivamente, a lacuna II do texto.
a) would have seen
b) had been
c) were done
d) has been
e) was going

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