FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 44
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Locate parts of a text that sustain an answer or a position
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Os Mutantes were highly appreciated by famous music artists in the past. Their outstanding importance to the Tropicalia movement is related to the following characteristic of the band’s behavior:
a) naivety
b) boldness
c) spontaneity
d) wickednessUERJ 2008 – Questão 20
The title and the words of the song convey a social message and encourage a certain course of action. These two ideas are best illustrated in:
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According to the text,
a) businesses have to prepare products for older consumers in future.
b) people born after the second world war had many babies, who now are better educated than their parents.
c) plastic surgery is the main thing older people wish to do when they retire.
d) many senior citizens in rich countries want to get a better education after retirement.
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In argumentative writing, the presence of transitions is crucial to make the text both cohesive and coherent.
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As várias formas do Simple Past encontradas na tirinha acima são:
a) Negativa, Interrogativa e Imperativa
b) Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa
c) Afirmativa, Interrogativa e Imperativa
d) Afirmativa, Negativa e Imperativa
e) Afirmativa, Negativa e condicional