FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 34
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Find Specific Information in the Text
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No trecho do terceiro parágrafo do texto, – and it will do so without relegating those people to a life of need. – a palavra it refere-se a
a) our job market.
b) go-getter.
c) intangible.
d) American.
e) dreams of wealth.FGV Administração 2011 – Questão 35
In paragraph 5, the phrase “Media skill is one useful import…” most likely means the same as which of the following?
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According to the passage, Superman’s arrivala) has been facing many obstacles.b) will have to wait another 19 years.c) will be evidence that there are no miracles.d) has been surrounded by mystery since 1993.e) has cost Warner over $10 million so far.UNIFESP port e inglês 2007 – Questão 36
Segundo o texto,
...Base dudow 2000 – Questão 5
Qual alternativa que melhor completa as orações abaixo:
John was early yesterday, ……….. was unusual for him.
The first time I saw you was ……….. you walked into Bill's Party.
Margaret Thatcher,……….. was Britain' first woman Prime Minister, was know as the 'iron lady'.
a) when – what – who
b) who – when – what
c) what – when – who
d) what - who - whose
e) which – what - who