FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 32
Linguagens / Inglês / Text Comprehension / Extract important information from the text
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Base dudow 2000 – Questão 32
Assinale a alternativa correta para o Genitive Case.
Some books of Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas are much complicated.
a) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
b) Some Shakespeares‘ and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
c) Some Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.
d) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘s books are much complicated.
e) Some Shakespeare‘s and Alexandre Dumas‘ books are much complicated.Base dudow 2000 – Questão 55
The active voice of "The report wasn‘t written by the employees." Is:
a) The employees haven‘t written the report.
b) The employees didn‘t wrote the report.
c) The employees hadn‘t written the report.
d) The employees weren‘t writing the report.
e) The employees didn‘t write the report.FATEC (2ºsem) 2009 – Questão 14
Pesquisas realizadas mostraram que o absinto
a) possui alguns ingredientes suspeitos.
b) é uma bebida e não se trata de uma droga.
c) possui corantes com altos teores tóxicos.
d) possui alto teor alcoólico.
e) é colorido artificialmente.UFSM 2012 ps2 - todas menos Fil, Esp - resoluções no final 2012 – Questão 46
Em relação ao texto, considere as afirmações:
...FGV Administração 2010 – Questão 44
With respect to the economy, the article makes clear that:
a) American and European workers suffer equally during recessions.
b) the U.S. deals more competently with recessions than does Europe.
c) Americans say one thing and do another.
d) Americans are committed to maintaining a balanced budget.
e) the American life style generates much more wealth than does the European life style.